Anna Borg Cardona is a member of the Għaqda Maltija tal-Folklor (Maltese Folklore Society), the Galpin Society, The American Musical Instrument Society and the Bagpipe Society, UK. DAQQ, GHANA U ZFIN MALTI Il-Maltin, xejn inqas minn nies ta’ pajjizi oħra, għandhom it-tradizzjonijiet mużikali tagħhom. Fil-ktejjeb DAQQ, GĦANA u ŻFIN MALTI Anna Borg Cardona tiġbor ftit tagħrif fuq xi strumenti Maltin u fuq id-daqqaqa, l-għana, u ż-żfin tradizzjonali. Ħafna mill-istrumenti, d-daqq u l-għana li niltaqgħu magħhom f’dan il-ktieb jistgħu jinstemgħu fuq id-diska kompatta Doqqli Daqqa! DAQQ, GĦANA u ŻFIN MALTI (Maltese traditional instruments, song and dance), is Anna Borg Cardona's most recent book aimed primarily at the younger Maltese reader. With the constant aim of reviving folk instruments in mind, the author gives basic details on Malta's musical instruments, singing (għana) and traditional dance in a bright, colourful layout. The book is enhanced by references to tracks on the CD Doqqli Daqqa!. |
A Musical Legacyreveals some exciting new Malta-related music discovered in libraries in Italy,France and England. It includes the different types of music and dance of across-section of Malta's society. The book unveils some 40 new melodies,escorting the reader through masked balls at the Manoel Theatre, 17th centurycastanet dances of the town's people, Pilgrim's dances, as well as the livelyairs and Carnival dances of the Maltese rustic folk. Of particular interest isa set of sumptuous 16th century alla turca dances created by the Knightsof St. John - both dance steps and different versions of this music fortunatelysurvive. The author has managed to gather together a rich inheritance of musicfor piano, harp, flute, baroque string quartet, and unspecified instruments.She has carried out detailed research on each of the musical works givingprofuse historical background information, editorial comments and footnotes.
This well-illustrated book, containingmusical treasures dating from the 16th to the 19th century, should appeal toall Melitensia collectors, music lovers and dance enthusiasts alike.
The CD Doqqli Daqqa! (Play me atune!) includes traditional songs and melodies of the Maltese Islands – somestill commonly heard today, and others which have slipped out of recollection.The tracks, as performed by The Ġukulari Ensemble, contain seasonalmusic of Christmas, New Year and Carnival, melodies pertaining to travel andthe sea, women’s work songs, a wedding dance a lullaby and ballad melodies.Some melodies, songs and dances as well as certain musical instruments alwaysreturn at the same time of year and remain typical of that particular period,suggesting their probable association with bygone seasonal ritual
For further information regarding thebooks, music, research or the Ġukulari Ensemble, please use the contact detailsbelow.
Any feedback or comments are muchappreciated.
The ĠukulariEnsemble was formed by Anna Borg Cardona in 2002, with the specific aim ofrecording music researched and published in the book A Musical Legacy: Malta-related music found in foreignlibraries. The Ensemble hassince continued to perform at various venues reviving music ranging from formaldances of the knights of St John to music of the Maltese town dwellers, livelyairs of the humble folk, as well as ghana melodies. The musicians generallyperform in elegant 18th century costumes. The Ġukulari feel a firm commitmentto the revival of Malta’s music and musical instruments, all of whichstrengthen Malta’s musical identity.
In 2005 theĠukulari Ensemble went on to record a second CD of Maltese traditional musicentitled Doqqli Daqqa! (Play me a tune!).
Members of the Ensemble are Anna Borg Cardona (żaqq, tanbur, żafżafa,tambourine), Anne Marie Camilleri Podesta (harp), Silvio Zammit (flute,piccolo, recorder), Ramona Zammit (piano, flute), Michael Borg Cardona (drums, żafżafa), Bettina Borg Cardona(castanets, triangle, qarn, ċuqlajta). John Cassola (drums, żafżafa). For the CD recording ofMalta’s Musical Legacy (2003), the group was joined by the well-known Austrianmusician Dr Hermann Buchner of Stoltzendorf Klaviermuseum fame, who performedon reconstructed Medieval instruments such as the hurdy-gurdy, garklein,rauchfife and crumhorns.
Mrs. Anna Borg Cardona
20, Ċiklamina, Triq il-Qarcilla,
Ħal-Balzan, BZN 1633
Malta, Telephone: (00356) 21 496485