Nursrey rhymes in Maltese
On Reading Nursery Rhymes With Children
These Maltese nursery rhymes are designed for children who are learning how to read Maltese. Preschoolers and Kindergartners enjoy picking out the words they can read in their favorite nursery rhymes.
All children take great delight in the rhythms and melodies of tunes. Remember, your singing voice doesn't matter -- even a jolly rhythmic chant will do, if you are hoarse. The emphasis on the melody and rhythm also helps the child learn the rhyme, increasing their vocabulary, and verbal skills. Even very young children will also imitate the songs, and have favorites they ask for. I have heard children as young as a year and a half trying to sing their favorite nursery rhymes.
Ages 0-5
Few Suggestions:
1. If it mentions a body part, touch it, shake it, wiggle it, tickle it, ...
2. If you see a picture of the word you are saying, point it out.
3. If there is an action mentioned, mimic it.
4. Sing whenever possible.
Ages 5-10
Children this age often know many of the rhymes by heart, and are comforted by the familiarity, but aren't aware of some the additional levels of information in the rhymes. It is good to particularly focus on counting rhymes and alphabet rhymes, and use them as an avenue to begin the learning process for these basic skills.
Other ways to use rhymes to enhance learning is with the Questions and Answers method. Naturally, if the child asks you questions about why, what, who, how or why (children this age are often still not too aware of "when"), the parent can use these questions as a leaping-off point for enhanced discussions.
If the child doesn't seem to ask questions themselves, you can encourage exploration and start the process of teaching critical thinking and reading by starting to ask questions of the child.
Good questions to start with are:
(something that is happening in the rhyme -- going to school or playing in the garden ... )
This is a good age to start working with riddles and puzzle questions. Often the younger child simply picks up on the sound of the rhyme, and won't fully appreciate some of the wonderful riddles. Older children can also delight in these, so long as they are new to them and their friends.
This is only a small collection of Maltese nursery rhymes. Please send me any other rhymes you know of and we publish them here to share them with others.
Thank you - Frank L Scicluna - Australia 2001 -
1. IDEJJA Idejja fuq rasi spalleja u wicci genbejja u haddejja u issa warajja ingibhom quddiemi in capcap ferrieha | 2. IMXI MIEGHI SAL-ISKOLA Imxi mieghi sal-iskola igri mieghi lejn id-dar capcap idek sabbat sieqek aqbes darba hbiebi zghar |
3. LARINGA, LUMIJA Laringa, lumija qanpiena ta' santa liena ghandi ntik tlett centezmi meta se nhallsek illum jew ghada? liema wahda thobb? larina jew lumija ? | 4. AGHMEL, XITA, AGHMEL Aghmel, xita, aghmel halli jikber il-haxix, il-haxix intuh il-moghza il-moghza ttina l-halib. il-halib intuh in-nanna in-nanna thitilna qmis |
5. FIL-GNIEN Sema safi, u bla rih, ebda shaba, jum sabih. gib ballun u lkoll flimkien nigru, nigru gewwal-gnien. gnien sabih u b'sigar kbar b'dawn jifirhu t-tfal iz - zghar. | 6. FRA MARTINU FRA MARTINU Fra Martinu Fra Martinu qum minn hemm, qum minn hemm cempel l-qanpiena, cempel l-qanpiena din,don dan ... din don dan Repeat three times ....... |
7. ARA GEJJA L-MEWT GHALIK Ara gejja l-mewt ghalik biex tixwik biex taqlik ara gejja ara waslet din id-daqqa min tahielek | 8. DAWRA DURELLA Dawra durella qabza zigarella coff tal-bellus caqcaqhielu lill-gharus axxa, axxa missieru mastrudaxxa mela one two three |
9. BANNI BANNOZZI Banni bannozzi gej it-tata gej kollox ghal marija u lil karmenu ma ntuh xejn | 10. A B C L-ISKUTELLA BIL-KAFE' A - B - C l-iskutella bil-kafe' il-kikkra u l-plattina u n-nannu ma jridx jaghtina |
11. TONI TAGHNA Toni taghna tghani tina talli tghajtu tuta tajba. | 12. STORJA VITTORJA Storja vittorja l-angli jdoqqi l-glorja siggu fin-nofs qara baghli sold u nofs |
13. PACI KULACI Paci kulaci l-Madonna fuq rasi Kristu fuq l-artal qed ibierek it-tfal zghar dawn it-tfal imberkin ghax se jsiru qaddisin | 14. HAWHA HELWA U HAWLIJA Hawha helwa u hawlija, mhawwla fil-hamrija hamra Hdejn il-hawt taht il-hajt ta' hal gharghur. |
15. IL-PESPUS PESPES Il-pespus pespes tpespisa lill-pespusa u l-perpusa pespset tpispisa lill-pespus | 16. IL-PUPA TIEGHI Ghandi pupa wisq sabiha, Ahmar wiccha bhall-pepprin, B'par ghajnejn minn lewn is-sema, Bhalha zgur ma ssibx helwin. Il-mama' bhali tlibbisha, Mid-drapp stess tal-libsa tieghi; Ohti z-zghira nisthajjilha Meta jien nohrogha mieghi Fejn immur dejjem nehodha, Ghax minghajrha ma jien xejn; Minn fejn nghaddi nisma jghidu: "Dawna donnhom pupi t-tnejn!" |
17. LANCA GEJJA W OHRA SEJRA Lanca gejja w'ohra sejra Min tas-Sliema ghal Marsamxett Il-Kaptan bil-pipa f'halqu Jidderiegi l-bastiment Sewwa sewwa f'nofs ta bahar Il-kaptan hassu hazin Ma kellux minn idur mieghu Daru mieghu il-bahrin Ghamillu karta... ghamillu karta Ghamillu karta ghal tax-xjuh | 18. AJMA ZAQQI Ajma zaqqi Kemm tugghani Kilt il-gheneb Mhux misjur Iddendilt mal-kannisata Qiesni kelb tal-kaccatur |
19. KAXXA GUGARELLI Ghandi kaxxa gugarelli, din mimlija sa fuq nett, Ghandi I-pupa u l-karrozza u tat-te' jien ghandi sett. Ballun ckejken u safrani, ors jiccaqlaq u vapur, hemm xadina qisha hajja, pupu helu fuq mutur. | 20. IR-RAZZETT TA' GANNI Ganni l-bidwi razzett ghandu, fih irabbi l-annimali moghza u hmara fih insibu kif ukoll xi sitt majjali. Ghandu ziemel abjad kollu baqra smina u tal-halib, tigieg, flieles u kelb iswed, li ta' dawn huwa l-habib. |
21. IN-NANNU ZZEWWEG Meta n-nannu rega zzewweg Kera dar gewwa l-Furjana Sewwa sewwa f'nofs il-bitha Kellu sigra tal-banana |
Bum Bum il-bieb Ongi, ongi ongella Bum Bum il-bieb Ongi, o kavallier Xi trid minn mid-dar taghna Ongi, ongi ongella Xi trid minn mid-dar taghna Ongi, o kavallier Irrid tifla sabiha Ongi, ongi ongella Irrid tifla sabiha Ongi, o kavallier | Minn hija din it-tifla? Ongi, ongi ongella Minn hija din it-tifla? Ongi, o kavallier Din hija Mary Jane Ongi, ongi ongella Din hija Mary Jane Ongi, o kavallier Intuha pupa sabiha Ongi, ongi ongella Intuha pupa sabiha Ongi, o kavallier | Dana mhux bizzejjed Ongi, ongi ongella Dana mhux bizzejjed Ongi, o kavallier Intuha curkett sabih Ongi, ongi ongella Intuha curkett sabih Ongi, o kavallier Huduha la triduha Ghax ahna mghandiex x'nabuha Karozza b'erba roti Taghmel hoss ta' terremoti |